Involvement, Connections, and Success

We often hear “It’s who you know that counts.” But more than that, your involvement in projects to help others will provide valuable connections. You will come to know many more people just by getting involved.

My volunteer work with the coming Kansas Authors Club convention in Wichita helped me strike it rich–new friends, new connections, and new opportunities. Through contacts with my writing friends–local writers with national (even international) acclaim, or writers from around the world, I was recently invited to provide my own books to Watermark Bookstore in Wichita, a shop that seemed far outside my reach until recently.

Watermark Books & Cafe, a thriving independent book store, holds regular author talks and book signings, hosts book club meetings, children’s activities, and more. I am thrilled to announce that interested readers can now find my books on Watermark shelves.

Check these out:

Next time you have a chance to help another writer, do it. Whether you share objective critiques of their work, publicize their books on your platform, or invite them to speak at writers meetings, I highly recommend it. The connections you make may open doors you previously only dreamed about.


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